Letters From Walking To My Car: A New Campaign

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Letters From Walking To My Car

By Hailie Johnson-Waskow
GS&NS Digital Content Coordinator
December 2, 2014
Dear Manager,

Why do you make me walk to my car from approximately 5:30 A.M. to 5:50 A.M.? I know the airport has a lot of flights around 6 A.M. but do you realize that no one is shopping at our boutique this early? It’s just bad business.
But beyond that, I have asked you several times to not make me open. I am the only employee who lives on campus. That means I am the only employee that will have to walk to my car in the dark. Do you just not care?

Disgruntled Employee

Dear University,

I cannot decide if I am more disgusted or disappointed by your parking policies. It takes me approximately 20 minutes to walk to my car from my room in the dark at 5 A.M. I realize that all of your policies are constructed by white males but could you take a moment to consider what this means for your female students?
I am essentially confined to my room until it is daylight. Either this, or I risk my safety to walk across a college campus and, potentially, suffer sexual assault. However, this is only an accurate representation of the rest of your, and every other universities’, policy toward sexual assault. Or should I say, your lack thereof.
We run one small campaign that is simply another instance of instructing women how to not get raped. When will you start teaching boys to not rape us?

Hope you actually read this,
Tuition + Housing + Books = Just a price tag that should keep her opinions to herself

Dear Society,

Why do I constantly have to live in fear?
I want to blame everyone else that I have to walk to my car in the dark afraid of being raped but, realistically, it is your fault.
You told me that boys would hit me on the playground because they liked me and I should take it as a compliment. You told me it was okay that I had less opportunities my entire life. You told me that it was justified I was paid less because my value is less as an individual. You told me I should stay home to take care of children. You told me that the sexual assault was my fault; I shouldn’t have been wearing that, I shouldn’t have been alone with him, I shouldn’t have been so nice if I didn’t want it.
The worst part is that this is not the most dangerous environment for me; alone, walking in the dark. The most dangerous environment for me is at a party, with people I feel like I can trust. At a friend’s house. Studying with a classmate. It is so much more likely that someone I trust, know, and potentially consider myself close with will hurt me.
The problem with you is that you think this is acceptable. You refuse to take the necessary steps to teach the problems with you. You refuse to address those who are pleading with you to change.
So, I live every second of my life fearing the next. Just like every other woman in the world.

Just looking for some help,
Another silenced voice

For the next two months, GirlSense and NonSense will be conducting a campaign to address the incredibly impactful issue of sexual assault. There will be analysis, prose, pictures, and, most importantly, discussion. As we will always be, GirlSense and Nonsense is a resource for your expression and a safe place for your emotions. We will always attempt to be sensitive but, be warned, we will be discussing very sensitive issues. This, we hope, will establish a space to share our emotions and to begin working toward ending this epidemic. 

If you are interested in contributing to our blog on this subject, please email us your ideas for content: girlsensenonsense@gmail.com

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Click the image above to learn how to submit your work to GirlSense & NonSense Magazine.

Winter 2015 Issue Deadline: December 4th, 2015

Where We Are/Where We’re Going

I’m writing this and listening to Halsey’s “New Americana” because my BFF and fellow Co-Editor said I should almost one month ago, and Liv (our Facebook intern) was also raving about the band. This little story is important because it explains something very important about me: I’m not nearly as cool and hip as I think am.

And this magazine and organization would consistently be about one month behind pop culture (and general happenings) without the rest of its staff. I’m so grateful for all of them.

raised on Biggie and Nirvana
we are the New Americana

That song is so kick-ass.


So what has actually been happening at GirlSense & NonSense? I’m going to assume you’re curious.

We released the 5th issue (Fall 2015) and filled page after page with so much incredible work. I got really nervous about everything and sort of tripped out while trying to design the damn thing. You can read all about it here. And now we’re preparing for the Winter 2015 Issue. THE 6TH ISSUE.


In progress. Things got messy while designing the Fall 2015 issue.

Luckily, GirlSense & NonSense’s staff no longer consists of two people. We’ve grown to include six humans! Chloe has already started desining the Winter 2015 Issue and Hailie has basically been handling everything related to digital content. Liv, Emily, and Alexis are busy trying to take over the internet with feminism and girl power, and IT IS GLORIOUS. They are all extremely talented people.

As for me: I’m now listening to Adele’s new song and have to periodically stop writing to scream/sing the lyrics. It’s so good.

Hello from the other siiiiiddddeeeeee


And I am really content with where we are and very excited about where we are going. GirlSense & NonSense is reaching more and more writers and artists from all over the world. We’re letting them know their voices matter, and their stories and art are worth sharing.

Finally, next week we start a new, ambitious social media campaign. I’m nervous and little scared but I’m hoping that we can engage in meaningful conversations and provoke real change. Stay tuned.

Adele’s song is repeating now. I better go.

It’s me

With Love,

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GirlSense and NonSense Fall 2015